
Showing posts from January, 2006

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Urusei Yatsura...

After many years, my Urusei Yatsura collection is finally complete. At 37 VHS tapes and 62 DVDs, Urusei Yatsura is, by far, the largest series in my collection - with Robotech , Starblazers and Ranma 1/2 trailing far behind.... From Rumiko Takahashi, creator of Ranma 1/2 and Inu Yasha , Urusei Yatsura aka Those Obnoxious Aliens starts it's TV run with the Oni deciding to take over the Earth. They give humanity one chance for survival, if a Ataru (the unluckiest person on Earth) can defeat the Oni champion, Lum, in a game of tag, humanity will be spared... Movies Movie 1 Only You It isn't easy being a guy - especially if you're Ataru Moroboshi, the luckless lecher loved by Lum, the aviating Alien Princess with a very short temper. Lum doesn't need much assistance going ballistic when everyone in Tomobiki gets an invitation to Ataru's wedding and she's not listed as the bride! Seems some 11 years ago, Ataru played "Shadow Tag" with a young