
Showing posts from June, 2017

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Pretty Dates for Contempo on Blogger...

After the dust settled following the release of the New Blogger Templates , I took the opportunity to consider making some improvements to my site. I had seen some pretty dates on other sites and I thought that I might want to look into this for my own site. With Blogger, you have some control over the general format of the dates on your site, but, in the end the dates are just plain, boring text. I wanted something a bit nicer for the front page of the site, so, after poking around in the inner workings of my site and reviewing a number of pretty date schemes and advice from other sites, I came away with two thoughts. One, there wasn't really a convenient way to reformat the existing date text using only CSS. And, two, after reviewing a number of suggestions from other sites on how to make pretty dates, a common theme among the advice for making dates look pretty, is that the dates need to be broken up into their component parts (i.e.: Day, Month and Year) and the the date parts

Adventures At The Gates Of Hell...

This is a bit off-topic, but, as a fan of the video game  Doom , I felt compelled to share. After my previous experiences getting the classic DOS-era first-person shooter, Doom to run on a Windows 10 PC using DOSBox and installing Doomsday to experience classic Doom with a technological makeover, I decided to try my hand at installing GZDoom 3.1.0 - Windows 64-bit . According to the ZDoom web site: ZDoom is a family of enhanced port of the Doom engine to modern operating systems. It runs on Windows, Linux, and OS X, and adds new features not found in the games as originally published by id Software. Older ZDoom ports may be used and distributed free of charge. No profit may be made from the sale of it. GZDoom and its descendants from version 3.0.0 on are licensed GPL and are subject to the terms and restrictions of the new license. ZDoom was originally created by Randi Heit using id Software's and various others' sources. Its successor ports GZDoom and QZDoom

Random Posts in a Compact Format for Contempo...

A few months ago,  Blogger  rolled out new templates. The popular posts gadget is a new feature of the Contempo template which displays a handful of snippets for the most popular posts. For the popular posts, I didn't necessarily want full blown snippets, but, rather just a handful of links. So, I adapted a custom  Related Posts  gadget to create a Compact Popular Post gadget. Then, I came across code for random posts on the Blogger Help forum and adapted the code for my own purposes into the following gadget to display random posts in a compact format: <script type="text/javascript"> var randomposts_number = 3; var randomposts_current = []; var total_randomposts = 0; var randomposts_current = new Array(randomposts_number); function randomposts(json) { total_randomposts = json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t } document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&max-results=0&callback=rando

Murder Princess...

Sometime ago, when video stores still stalked the streets of Philadelphia, I picked up Murder Princess ... In the kingdom of Forland - the stronghold of an ancient and powerful magic - a bloody coup led by Dr. Akamashi and his supernatural cyborg minions pushes the royal family to the brink of extinction. Forced to flee in the hopes of preserving her noble bloodline, Princess Alita crosses paths with the infamous bounty hunter Falis - a collision of souls that will alter the course of their lives forever. Recently, I took the opportunity to watch Murder Princess ... It should be noted that the series, at six episodes, is fairly short. After Alita and Falis bump into each other and fall off a cliff together, they manage to survive, but, are changed. After the change, the two main characters strike a bargain and at Alita's request, Falis intervenes on behalf of the kingdom. After some initial challenges with the evil doctor, Alita's brother shows up to save the day. Then, thin


I wanted something a bit out of the ordinary, so, I picked up Kyousougiga ... In Kyoto, nothing changes. No, not *that* Kyoto, but rather the "Mirror Capital" Kyoto, the world inside of a painting! Colorful, beautiful, but static, the people of this world live an idyllic, if boring life. That is, until Koto appears, like a wrecking ball slamming into still waters. Koto's never met her mother, and in search of clues about her missing parent, she winds up in the very place she's supposed to be, yet least expected. What unfolds is a tale of a crazy, mixed-up family, where the father has mysterious powers, the mother is a goddess, and the siblings have an intense rivalry that will finally see its conclusion... even if that conclusion brings about the attention of the Shrine, an organization dedicated to protecting the multiverse. Kyousougiga  centers on a blended family of demons, humans and half-demons who have taken refuge from a disapproving human world in a magic

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time...

Recently, I took the opportunity to watch The Girl Who Leapt Through Time ... Something strange has happened to Makoto Konno. Time has suddenly stopped and moved her backwards. With her newly discovered ability to literally leap backwards in time Makoto finds that tests become a piece of cake, embarrassing situations are corrected and she can have her favorite food anytime she wants. Unfortunately her carefree time traveling has adverse effects on the people she cares for. With every successful leap Makoto somehow alters the fate of those around her. This was not supposed to happen and as she races back in time to fix everything, she notices that her abilities are not limitless but with every successful jump she is one step closer to discovering the most wonderful secret in her young adult life. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is a slice-of-life drama that centers on Makoto as she discovers that she has the ability to literally jump through time. At first, Makoto uses her newfound