
Showing posts from June, 2007

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UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie...

I picked up UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie ... Season One Volume 1 Bedlam, Bathhouse and Beyond Despite his parents' protests, Kazuto Tokino has taken it upon himself to run his late grandfather's bathhouse. But with no previous management experience, Kazuto must rely on his sunny disposition to keep his new business afloat. And when the alien Princess Valkyrie destroys the bathhouse, mortally wounding Kazuto in the process, dark clouds seem poised to rain on his parade of optimism. With a magical kiss, the princess saves Kazuto's life, but at a grave cost to her own: transformed into an 8 year old, she is stranded on Earth, unable to fend for herself. Now, with an entire solar system out searching for her shrunken highness, Kazuto must defend the Tokino bathhouse, not only from hordes of alien invaders, but also from his new, hyper-adorable, sugary-sweet little houseguest! Volume 2 Crash Course in Craziness! At the Tokino bathhouse, life seems to get weirder by the