Miyuki-chan In Wonderland...
Way back in the misty dawn of time, I picked up the VHS version of Miyuki-chan In Wonderland...
She's late! She's late! And when Miyuki-chan meets a skateboarding Playboy bunny, she's going to be even later! Wonderland's never been stranger as everything from the door to the door mouse takes on feminine form. Created by the group of talented artists known as CLAMP (RG Veda, Tokyo Babylon) this beautifully animated, condensed version of the classic tale is a visual delight. Take a trip down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass with Miyuki-chan In Wonderland.CLAMP, the creative team behind RG Veda, are back with two Wonderland-esque stories told in a manner that suggests that the story could continue on and on forever. There's some fan service, but, no real naughty bits. I used to have the subtitled VHS version. I enjoyed Miyuki-chan In Wonderland enough that I repurchased it on DVD. I gave Miyuki-chan In Wonderland a 4 out of 5.