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Hand Maid May...

Way back in the misty down of time, I picked up Hand Maid May...
Volume 1
Maid To Order
Nanbara is furious! Nanbara, the self-absorbed, pompous, overbearing villain of our show has always resented Kazuya, the constantly distracted hero, and developed a virus to exact his ultimate revenge. Unfortunately, "revenge" became an accidental delivery of a 1-foot tall cyborg maid whose sweetness is only exceeded by her cheerfulness! Will Nanbara's schemes of revenge ever become realized? Will Kazuya be able to pay the $1,450,009 bill? Join May and our new cast of lunatics for a wild ride to explore the cutting edge of computer peripherals.

Volume 2
Product Recall
Cyberdyne pursues May's recall due to Kazuya's failure to pay the million-dollar invoice. However, thanks to Kasumi's kindness, Kazuya and May share some wonderful last-minute memories. Still, with Nanbara "assisting" Cyberdyne and the introduction of the mysterious Cyber-X, Kazuya's little troubles may become a full sized affair of the heart!

Volume 3
Memory Failure
New arrivals threaten the stability of the Kasumi House! First comes a powerful typhoon which threatens to blow everyone away, followed by Nanbara's descendant from the future who proves that some behavior is genetic. However, the most threatening arrival is a virus that may destroy the Cyberdyne Dolls! Kazuya has less than 24 hours to find the secret to May's immunity if he is to save them all!
Hand Maid May was actually one of Pioneer's very early releases on DVD and the box set included a data CD with various odd and ends and a small Hand Maid May figure.

Hand Maid May OST CD1Hand Maid May OST CDOpen VGMDB
4Meet May, a 1/6 scale cyberdoll created by Cyberdyne and delivered to unsuspecting Kazuya. Kazuya takes Hand Maid May into his heart and when other agents from Cyberdyne come to reclaim their product, the situation quickly becomes complicated. The story quickly escalates and becomes very convoluted in the latter half of the series when we find that time travel is involved. The series builds to a wonderfully melodramatic climax. The pay-off requires more than a little suspension of disbelief, but, overall, Hand Maid May is very sweet. There are, of course, no naughty bits or bloodshed or gore to speak of. I gave Hand Maid May a 4 out of 5.

The Hand Maid May soundtrack CD has 62 tracks and I liked 5 tracks for a total of 8% which works out to a rating of 1 out of 4. It should be noted that more than half of the tracks are less than one minute and many are just a few seconds.