Tokyo Revelation...
Demons run amok in Tokyo in Tokyo Revelation...
A satanic program is activated aboard a crowded commercial flight headed for Tokyo. It releases a swarm of invisible demons that send the aircraft plunging to a fiery doom. Everyone aboard is killed instantly - except Akita Kobayashi - owner of the devilish program and sworn ally of hell itself!Demons running amok in Tokyo would normally be good thing, but, Tokyo Revelation wasn't so good. The story and visuals are somewhat weak. The plane going down at the very beginning was interesting, but, afterwards the story started to go downhill fairly quickly. The story seems to suggest that there might be gore and naughty bits, but, it really doesn't deliver. I used to have the subtitled VHS version. In the aftermath of the Ultimate Otaku Fall Cleanup, I decided not to keep it in my archive. I gave Tokyo Revelation a 1 out of 5.
Kojiro Soma, an old elementary school friend of Akito's, is surprised to see him enroll back in school. Kojiro notices how this once lonely boy, has grown into a suave and arrogant teenager. Later, when his classmates are attacked and legendary demons return to stalk the streets of Tokyo, Kojiro begins to truly understand what his old friend has become.
Akita has plans for the human race. The plans revolve around magnetite, the mysterious element that forms the living essence of every human soul. Combined with his demonic software, a strong enough source of magnetite would release a plague of devils upon the earth. That source exists in Kojiro's class, but when the evil plan expands beyond even Akito's grasp, it is Kojiro who must find the ultimate power within himself, and go head-to-head with the greatest demon of all!!!