Twilight Of The Dark Master...
A while ago, Urban Vision attempted to distinguish itself in the anime marketplace by releasing a handful of horror-themed anime including Twilight Of The Dark Master...
From the beginning of time, Earth has been enslaved by the powerful and grotesque Ogres. The dominance these arrogant immortals hold over their helpless victims is challenged only by the noble Guardians. Eons later, in the year 2089, few Ogres or Guardians remain in Neo-Shinjuku. Humans rule the Earth; yet, deep within the dark underworld of the city, the supreme Ogre is still alive and is preparing, once again, to enslave the Human race. TWILIGHT OF THE DARK MASTER's elaborate story will transport you to a world full of ornate imagery and exotic characters.Twilight of the Dark Master is a stylish and dark tale that starts out like your average demon-run-amok story, but, gradually changes into something more interesting. There's lots of blood and gore (people being eaten and smashed), some great visual effects (including some stunning use of darkness and shadows), and even some fan service and suggestive situations. By the way, Twilight of the Dark Master is suggested for mature audiences, but, if you're looking for the typical money shots of demons and girls, you'll be disappointed. I used to have the subtitled VHS version. Recently, I repurchased it on DVD. I gave Twilight of the Dark Master a 4 out of 5.