Last week, I saw Primal on Cartoon Network...
In a five-night event, Cartoon Network aired Primal. There is copious amounts of blood and gore in the series, which is why it aired in the late-night Adult Swim programming block. In the first episode, Spear, the spear-wielding caveman, loses his family -- his mate and children are eaten alive by a dinosaur. Later, Spear confronts the killer, only to realize that offender is a mother of two young dinosaurs and even with his recent loss, Spear empathizes with the murderous mother of two. Then, in this moment of empathy, two much larger dinosaurs show up to complicate matters. By the end of the first episode, Spear has a new dinosaur companion. The two unlikely companions spend the rest of the series in blood-soaked adventures, culminating with a savage cliffhanger ending.
Primal explores the concepts of loss, empathy, forgiveness and friendship in a richly decorated primeval environment filled with dinosaurs, venomous snakes, giant flying creatures, woolly mammoths, giant apes and the occasional hominids. Although, there is a lot of screaming, yelling and roaring throughout the series, each episode tells a complete story without words. Primal, despite being drenched in blood, was thought-provoking and engaging. I thoroughly enjoyed the series even with the cliffhanger ending. I would give Primal a 4 out of 5. By the way, I know that the caveman's name is Spear, because the cavemen's name appears in the end credits. And, since the first episode is titled Spear and Fang, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the dinosaur companion is Fang.
Coming off an award-winning final season of Samurai Jack, Adult Swim reunites with creator Genndy Tartakovsky on a new animated series. Primal features a caveman at the dawn of evolution. A dinosaur on the brink of extinction. Bonded by tragedy, this unlikely friendship becomes the only hope of survival in a violent, primordial world.
All Earth was but one thought...
...and that was death...
Excerpt from the poem Darkness by Lord Byron (1788-1824).
Primal explores the concepts of loss, empathy, forgiveness and friendship in a richly decorated primeval environment filled with dinosaurs, venomous snakes, giant flying creatures, woolly mammoths, giant apes and the occasional hominids. Although, there is a lot of screaming, yelling and roaring throughout the series, each episode tells a complete story without words. Primal, despite being drenched in blood, was thought-provoking and engaging. I thoroughly enjoyed the series even with the cliffhanger ending. I would give Primal a 4 out of 5. By the way, I know that the caveman's name is Spear, because the cavemen's name appears in the end credits. And, since the first episode is titled Spear and Fang, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the dinosaur companion is Fang.