Strike Witches...
I picked up Strike Witches recently...
The year is 1944 and the world lives in fear of unidentified flying objects called Neuroi. With the old-boy old guard unable to thwart this deadly menace, humanity turns its desperate eyes to an aerial attack force with much nicer legs. Meet the girls of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, better known as the Strike Witches. These darlings of the great blue yonder may not have standard issue uniforms, but they do have all the right stuff. Where the average flyboy falters, these dolls blast aliens to bits in the bat of an eyelash. With a little magic and a whole lot of leg, the girls of the 501st are winning the war on pants, and aliens!On it's face the concept of the series, is amazingly implausible -- young ladies wear special boots that resemble a combination of airplane wings and a helicopter on each leg and fly around like airplanes. But, I've seen the first few episodes and I've found the series to be remarkably entertaining. The animation quality is quite good -- it has a nice well-polished look and feel that I've come to expect in fairly recent productions. A welcome surprise, was actually the sound track -- the series employs a very nice instrumental track which enhances the flow and pacing of the series and gives the series more of a theatrical quality. There's lots of action and some bloodshed. There is plenty of fan service and some suggestive situations, so, the series, although entertaining, may not be for the youngest anime fans. Overall, the series is somewhat implausible, but, very entertaining.