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Kizuna is one of the few titles released in the US, whose story revolves around openly gay characters...
This is the original video animation of Kizuna, which appears in Be Boy Comics. Kizuna is the masterpiece of Kazuma Kodaka, who has enthusiastic followers for her works such as Sessa Takuma and Kusatta Kyoshi No Hotei-Shiki.

Volume 1
Ranmaru Samejima is a very handsome and legendary high school fencing champion whose sports career comes to an abrupt halt after he is mistakenly run over by a car intended to kill his boyfriend, Enjoji, the son of the mafia don in Osaka. After the accident, Ranmaru becomes paralyzed. Thanks to encouragement from Enjoji, Ranmaru is able to endu re the difficult rehabilitation. Recognizing their intense love for one another, they begin to live together. Some years later in college, they happen to learn that Enjoji's half brother, Kei Sagano, is in Tokyo. Having fallen in love with Ranmaru, Sagano has taken fencing and now gotten into the same college Ranmaru and Enjoji attend. Sagano's love for Ranmaru is intensified by Enjoji's presence. Caught between the rival brothers, Ranmaru is...

Volume 2
Ranmaru Samejima used to be well known and feared in high school Japanese fencing. After getting involved in the accident which forced him to abandon fencing, Ranmaru has begun living with his lover, Enjoji, who supported and watched over him during the difficult rehabilitation. But one day, Enjoji's half brother Kei Sagano suddenly comes into their lives. Having fallen for Ranmaru, Sagano has entered Ranmaru's col lege and begins to interfere in the relationship between Ranmaru and Enjoji. Sagano is the son of the mafia don that rules Osaka. The junior boss of the mafia, Masanori Araki, who devotedly brought up Sagano as a substitute father, has come to Tokyo before he arrived. Upon learning that Sagano is in Tokyo, Araki visits him at Ranmaru's apartment. Realizing that he couldn't intrude upon the past Ranmaru and Enjoji share, Lonely Sagano meets Araki, but...
Kizuna is a dramatic romance and the pace was a bit too slow for my tastes. I used to have both subtitled VHS volumes. I gave Kizuna a 1 out of 5. In the aftermath of the Ultimate Otaku Fall Cleanup, I decided not to keep Kizuna in my archive.