One of the more unexpected releases to come out of AD Vision was Kotetsu...
Let yourself be charmed by classy Linn Suzuki, the feisty but lovable young warrior known as "Kotetsu!" Fleeing Kyoto one step ahead of her 100-year-old master, she stumbles onto the doorstep of the lovely detective Miho Kuon and into an underground web of intrigue. Ever the innocent, all she wants is a place to stay; but instead she's attacked by zombie street punks, a famous statue, a hot-tempered tree nymph and a geeky magician, who's actually kind of cute. Through it all, Linn never loses her sense of humor, her signature katana or her towel, which somehow clings to her diminutive frame throughout this masterpiece of martial arts mayhem!In Kotetsu, we meet Linn Suzuki, sword-swinger extraordinaire with a habit for exaggeration and somewhat naive when she's not swinging a sword. Kotetsu was surprisingly fast-paced and entertaining. There is no bloodshed or gore and no naughty bits, but, there is some fan service. Overall, Kotetsu was a lot more fun than I was expecting. I gave Kotetsu a 3 out of 5.