Omishi Magical Theater: Risky Safety...
AN Entertainment's debut release, Omishi Magical Theater: Risky Safety, has won critical praise from recognized and respected online reviewers including Anime on DVD, Anime News Network, and Anime Tourist; received feature coverage and positive reviews in nationally distributed print magazines including Animerica Magazine, Newtype USA Magazine, Animation World Magazine, and Play Magazine; and even earned praise from mainstream reviews including the Detroit News...
Volume 1A Statement from Risky:
Join young Moe, the devilish apprentice death spirit Risky, and the pure-hearted apprentice angel Safety in a funny and touching tale of fate, friendship, love, the cosmic balance of the universe, and even a few giant monsters! Moe is a young girl in the midst of a puppy-love crisis. Her emotional trauma summons a spunky soul-collecting shinigami-in-training named Risky, who is so comically incompetent that Moe is soon giggling out of her depression. This causes Risky to transform into Safety, a polite and proper apprentice angel who is trying to earn her halo. In fact, the testy devil Risky and the compassionate angel Safety share the same body! This comical struggle between light and dark, and the tug-of-war over possession of Moe's soul forms the basis of a humorous and touching drama certain to appeal to established fans of Japanese animation and viewers new to the unique appeal of anime.
Volume 2
The tale of Risky and Safety, an apprentice death spirit and an angel in training forced to share a single body, proceeds from the distant age of legend to the farthest reaches of outer space! DVD volume 2 deepens and strengthens the relationships between Moe, Risky and Safety, introduces new character Koiuji, the divine caretaker of the local Love Shrine, and reveals the secret reason for Risky and Safety's unusual entanglement. Witty and subtle parodies and references to Star Wars Episode 1, Star Trek, Mobile Suit Gundam, Austin Powers, Rurouni Kenshin and even the era of classic silent cinema will enthrall genre fans. The heartwarming romantic humor of Risky Safety will charm viewers of all ages!
Volume 3
Omishi Magical Theater: Risky Safety volume 3 includes episodes 17-24, wrapping up plot points and bringing the series to a wonderful and satisfying conclusion. The apprentice angel Safety relates the story of how she became a friend to a giant monster. The unusual love triangle between Lani the Pomeranian, Safety and Risky, the apprentice death spirit, is resolved. And in the climactic four episode story arc, Risky and Safety, the opposing forces of good and evil, must join forces to struggle against the hands of fate that literally come to bear on Moe and Yuya, threatening to split the couple apart forever!
Once upon a time the great apprentice shinigami -- that's a soul collecting spirit of death for you who don't know -- Risk (that's me) was assigned to collect the soul of a young girl named Moe. Moe thought the boy she had a crush on wasn't interested in her and just wanted to die. That's where the apprentice shinigami Risky came in... Taadah! With my great skills in deception and natural talent in creating sadness, I had Moe wrapped around my finger and ready to throw it all away until that darn Safety showed up. You probably won't believe is, but a long time ago I got magically joined with a goody-two-shoes apprentice angel named Safety, so whenever somebody thinks nice thoughts, poof, there's a cloud of smoke and I turn into Safety. Of course, being the busy-body she is, Safety ruined everything getting Moe all cheered up. Since no shinigami with an ounce of pride can bear being showed up by an angel (an apprentice angel at that) I decided that I'd just have to hang around Moe until I had a chance to redeem myself by collecting somebody else's soul. I'll tell ya, I'd have never guessed where my story would have gone from there!A Statement from Safety:
Yoroshiku, desuno! That's my way of saying, "Pleased to meet you." I'm the apprentice angel Safety, here to tell you a story about a beautiful young girl who one day met an apprentice angel and a devil in training, and how it changed her life. Moe Katsuragi misunderstood what she saw when the boy she liked did some good deeds for other women. Poor Moe felt rejected, and her sadness summoned Risky, an apprentice shimigami who came to collect her soul. Thank goodness Moe came to her senses, which allowed me to come out and help her. You may not believe that the little devil Risky and I, the angel in training Safety share the same body, but it's true. Angels don't lie. I couldn't bear to see Moe sad, so I cheered up the little white lies Risky had told and helped Moe smile and laugh again. After all, an angel's job is to bring people happiness. But Risky insisted on staying near Moe, and I wanted to be sure that she was really feeling all right, and thus began an adventure that even my angel powers didn't see coming.Omishi Magical Theater: Risky Safety is a dramatic story with some comedic elements sprinkled liberally throughout. The story centers around a troubled girl, Moe, but, the story also wanders a bit as Risky and Safety travel to different places and interact with new characters during the course of the series. This livens up what would otherwise be a boring series. Though this series certainly isn't for everyone, I enjoyed it. I gave Omishi Magical Theater: Risky Safety a 3 out of 5.