Neo-Tokyo aka Manie-Manie, Meikyu Monogatari...
Just before the demise of Streamline, I picked up the dubbed VHS version of Neo-Tokyo aka Manie-Manie, Meikyu Monogatari...
A dazzling animation tour do force. A trio of fantastic adventures by three of Japan's top film artists. Containing the complete, uncut version of "Running Man" as seen on MTV's Liquid Television.According to The Complete Anime Guide by Trish Ledoux and Doug Ranney (page 128). ISBN# 0-9649542-5-7...
Labyrinth Labyrinthos
Labyrinth is a dark urban tale which pays homage to Lewis Carroll's fable "Through the Looking Glass". A young girl, Sachi, and her cat fall through a mirror and end up in the alleyway behind their house. An ominous clown leads them along surreal streets where invisible children play and streetcars are filled with glowing skeletal commuters. Running time 12 minutes. Written and directed by Rin Taro (Galaxy Express 999).
Running Man
Running Man is an exuberant cyberpunk thriller which owes equal inspiration to William Gibson and Raymond Chandler. Zach Hugh has been the champion of the Death Race for ton years. In the 21st century, race car drivers are psionically "plugged" into their vehicles. After so much adrenalin Zach's nerves are getting a little frayed. Running time 15 minutes. Written and directed by Yoshiaki Kawajiri.
The Order to Stop Construction (aka Construction Cancellation Order)
The Order to Stop Construction is a grim sf comedy which takes the concept of man vs. machine to its ultimate absurd limits. A young bureaucrat must shut down a building project deep in the Amazon jungle. As the only living person on site, his biggest problem is getting the robot crew to obey his commands. Running time 23 minutes. Written and directed by Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira).
Released in Japan under the title "Meikyu Monogatari" (Labyrinth Tales), the original title was apparently changed by the U.S. releaser Streamline in order to create an association between it and the hugely successful Akira; however, aside from the fact that Akira's Katsuhiro Otomo also contributed to this project, there is no connection to his previous film.Neo-Tokyo is an anthology of three tales as a showcase for various artists. One of these Running Man was played in part on MTV. My favorite is The Order To Stop Construction. I found Labyrinth Labyrinthos to be quite beautiful, but, a bit boring. Even so, if you can find Neo-Tokyo, I strongly recommend it. I used to have the dubbed VHS version released by Streamline. Neo-Tokyo was one of the last titles Streamline released before they went out of business. There weren't very many available and they were hunted to extinction in fairly short order. After many long unhappy years AD Vision finally released this anthology on DVD. I enjoyed this anthology so much, that I repurchased it on DVD. I gave Neo-Tokyo aka Manie-Manie, Meikyu Monogatari a 4 out of 5.