Rei Rei...
Long ago, I picked up the VHS version of Rei Rei...
Based on the manga by Toshimitsu Shimizu (801 T.T.S. Airbats), Rei Rei, is the story of a supernatural "missionary of love" named Kaguya, who seem to function as a sort of arbiter of relationships doomed to sexual frustration. From her palace in an undefined netherworld, the provocatively dressed Kaguya senses disturbances between couples (which oddly enough, seem to cloud her view of the moon like a bad case of smog) and sets off for Earth to set things right. Kaguya, a strangely powerful being with the ability to manipulate the fabric of reality and an extremely perverse sense of humor. A living manifestation of the Hand (or some bodily portion) of Fate, those who fall under Kaguya's twisted spell will never be the same again as she delights in giving people their heart's desire... and letting them suffer the consequences! Together with her stumpy man-servant, Pipi, Kaguya stages her human puppet shows with the flair of a master show-woman; generally causing mass chaos and disaster. This much fun shouldn't be legal... but not even the laws of nature apply to Kaguya!Rei Rei is an anthology of short stories with adult themes and situations, not unlike Countdown, but, in my humble opinion, is a little bit better than Countdown. There are, of course, the usual naughty bits. But, Rei Rei's saving grace is its twisted sense of humor. I used to have the subtitled VHS version. I enjoyed Rei Rei enough that I repurchased it on DVD. I gave Rei Rei a 2 out of 5.