Detatoko Princess...
Detatoko Princess is also known as Suddenly Princess or by some translations, Instant Pudding Princess...
Lapis is the princess of Sorcerland. She's beautiful, powerful and has a sparkling personality; it's too bad that she's not that bright. She'll go to any length to protect the most innocent of creatures even if it means destroying the kingdom to do so. And lets not forget her obsession with pudding! She needs her pudding, she REALLY needs her pudding. And God help you is you stand between her and her sweet custard dessert!Detatoko Princess is a fairly typical sword and sorcery spoof that centers around Lapis, a pudding-obsessed princess from Sorcerland. Her mother "accidentally" sends Lapis out on a dangerous quest and things rapidly go downhill from there. There are no naughty bits, blood or gore. The story is somewhat bland, but, there is just enough there to make what could have been a complete waste of time, somewhat enjoyable. If you liked Sorcerer on the Rocks or Ruin Explorers then this is probably right up your alley. I gave Detatoko Princess a 2 out of 5.
Detatoko Princess is a laugh-out-loud lampoon of all the fantasy stereotypes you've come to love with a generous heaping scoop of slapstick!