Debutante Detective Corps...
According to the Anime Encyclopedia, Debutante Detective Corps was conceived as a vehicle to showcase a group of minor voice actresses collectively known as Virgo...
They've been marked for murder but no one puts a hit on these Misses! Someone's trying to kill the richest girls in Japan, but when the girls in question are the five members of the Debutante Detective Corps, it's the assassins who're going to be in trouble. Meet Kimiko and Miyuki Ayanokouji, Youko Ryuzaki, Reika Shu and Nina Kirov, five of the most incredible young women in the known universe! Not only do they have a combined wealth that equals the gross national product of Japan, they each have a special ability that comes in very handy when dealing with pesky things like terrorists and kidnappers. Unfortunately, these abilities don't make life simple for Daichi and Nomura, the poor police detectives who've been assigned to protect these feminine firebrands from the forces of evil. Especially when the girls just want to have fun! The only person who's having a worse time than the police and the killers is the poor principal of the exclusive school the debs attend. After all, it's one thing to have to revise your curriculum on a daily basis, it's another thing entirely to have to keep rebuilding the school!According to the Anime Encyclopedia by Jonathan Clements and Helen McCarthy (page 84). ISBN# 1-880656-64-7:
Debutante Detective Corps was conceived as a vehicle to showcase a group of minor voice actresses collectively known as Virgo. It is thus little more than an excuse to put the girls into the public eye in order to sell spin-off games and albums.In Debutante Detective Corps, nothing much happened for the majority of the feature -- we meet the characters and then, near the end of the feature, the pace picked up a bit. There's one very sorry battle sequence near the end and some half-hearted attempt at humor. Actually, if you've ever seen previews for Debutante Detective Corps, you've seen pretty much all the action you're going to see in the feature. I used to have the subtitled VHS version. I gave Debutante Detective Corps a 0 out of 5. In the aftermath of the Ultimate Otaku Fall Cleanup, I decided not to keep it in my archive.