Alien Nine...
The odd nature of Alien Nine is what initially demanded my interest in the series...
According to Wikipedia...
From the creators of Cowboy Bebop and Excel Saga, the screenwriter of Millennium Actress, and the producer of Tenchi Muyo! Based on the manga created by Hitoshi Tomizawa, this exceptional OVA series features an intriguing story and a striking style where the cute and grotesque collide!Alien Nine is a strange concept and fairly entertaining. There is some alien gore (no human gore), no naughty bits, and more than a little whining. Some aspects of the story are a bit confusing, like the lack of explanation as to why school children are expected to deal with alien invasions. Some of the critters seem quite dangerous. You would think that there would be some sort of professional agency to handle this type of problem.
Yuri is totally bummed. She just started 6th grade and has been elected to capture and eliminate the aliens that are constantly invading the school... Gross!
Yuri may be scared of her new position, but she isn't alone. To help her is the energetic Kasumi and the serious Kumi who both volunteered for their positions in this strange alien party. But why would the school send 6th graders to fight the alien menace? And will their borgs be enough to help them win?!
According to Wikipedia...
Tarō Maki (President of Genco and executive producer of the anime OVA adaptation) has stated in an interview that due to the abruptness of the anime OVA ending, he stated that [he] will raise funds to continue the series. However, this has not happened for almost a decade and is considered to be in development hell and is most likely cancelled. That does not, however, rule out the possibility of a reboot to cover all three of the manga volumes plus the sequel, Alien Nine Emulators. Because of its rarity and cheap price, it has somewhat become a cult classic amongst fans and collectors alike.The general consensus among people that I know who've seen Alien Nine, is that the concept is a bit *too* odd and that the ending leaves a bit to be desired. In addition, there are some questions that were not answered in the anime. There is a manga, but, I didn't enjoy the anime enough to bother with the manga. Ultimately, I decided to give Alien Nine a 3 out of 5.