Oblivion Island...
I picked up Oblivion Island yesterday and watched it as soon as I got home...
The story revolves around Haruka, an average teenage girl whose mother has passed away and who is now living with her father. Adventure ensues when Haruka sets out to find her mother's hand mirror and winds up in the land of lost things. There's lots of action and some really inventive creations in the land of lost things. There are, of course, no naughty bits, blood or gore to speak of in Oblivion Island. I found the movie to be very enjoyable and easy to watch over and over again and I give Oblivion Island a 5 out of 5.
By the way, as a general rule, I prefer to read my anime, but, occasionally I do stray from my usual path. I've had the opportunity to listen to the English dub and in my humble opinion, it compares very favorably with the original Japanese dialogue. Admittedly, Haruka comes off a bit more rude to her father in English than in Japanese, but, I suppose that is more a matter of perspective than an issue with the dubbing. All things considered, I feel very comfortable with giving Oblivion Island my highest rating.
16-year-old Haruka is on a mission to find her mirror - a precious childhood gift from her mother that mysteriously disappeared. While following a strange fox-like creature in the woods, she tumbles into a mystical world where once-cherished toys and treasures go when their owners neglect them. Join Haruka and her new friend Teo on a roller coaster ride of adventure as they contend with the island's greedy ruler, who wants the mirror for his own evil plan!I saw previews for Oblivion Island a while ago and was looking forward to its US release. Oblivion Island is a mix of CG animation and traditionally painted backgrounds. The movie, at least early on, bears some passing resemblance to Alice in Wonderland, but, with a distinctly Japanese twist. I was quite impressed with the story and the animation. Oblivion Island even managed to tug at my heart strings.
The story revolves around Haruka, an average teenage girl whose mother has passed away and who is now living with her father. Adventure ensues when Haruka sets out to find her mother's hand mirror and winds up in the land of lost things. There's lots of action and some really inventive creations in the land of lost things. There are, of course, no naughty bits, blood or gore to speak of in Oblivion Island. I found the movie to be very enjoyable and easy to watch over and over again and I give Oblivion Island a 5 out of 5.
By the way, as a general rule, I prefer to read my anime, but, occasionally I do stray from my usual path. I've had the opportunity to listen to the English dub and in my humble opinion, it compares very favorably with the original Japanese dialogue. Admittedly, Haruka comes off a bit more rude to her father in English than in Japanese, but, I suppose that is more a matter of perspective than an issue with the dubbing. All things considered, I feel very comfortable with giving Oblivion Island my highest rating.