Cat Shit One aka Apocalypse Meow...
Over the weekend, I picked up the DVD release of Cat Shit One aka Apocalypse Meow...
According to Wikipedia...
According to Wikipedia...
Apocalypse Meow is a three volume manga series written and illustrated by Motofumi Kobayashi. It was originally published in Japan as Cat Shit One in 1998 by Softbank Publishing, but was renamed for the US release to parody the title of the film Apocalypse Now, which also took place during the Vietnam War. It was published in the UK (printed in Canada) in 2004 by ADV Manga. It was also released in Poland in 2006, also under the title Cat Shit One. It has been released in France, Belgium and Spain, as Cat Shit One, by Glénat in 2006.Even though the main characters are fluffy bunnies, there's nothing fluffy about Cat Shit One. The animation has a very realistic look and feel -- almost a documentary style. Even though the production is quite short, it's very entertaining. I would certainly like to visit the world of Cat Shit One a bit longer, but, even with only one episode, I'm pleased with the production. I would give Cat Shit One a 4 out of 5.
A computer-generated original net animation series of Cat Shit One by Studio Anima began release on IDA Entertainment's YouTube channel in Japan from July 17, 2010, and in North America, Australia and New Zealand on February 5, 2011. The animated version is set in the Middle East rather than Vietnam, and a trailer indicates that the action takes place after 1991.
Sergeant "Packy" Perkins and his companion, Botasky, are sent to retrieve three hostages from a group of terrorists. As Perkins infiltrates the camp and manages to reach the hostages, Botasky panics after coming under attack when his sniper position is compromised, requiring Perkins to help him out. With intel that enemy reinforcement will arrive before gunship support can, Perkins orders Botasky to get the hostages to safety while he fends them off single-handedly. Although Botasky eventually regathers his courage and returns to Perkins' aid, both of them end up being pinned down by enemy fire. Just as all hope seems lost, a friendly "angel" arrives in time to help save the day.