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I got a box with a smile on it and Minushi was inside...
In search of a missing brother, two orphans set off across a war zone filled with trigger-happy soldiers, merciless bandits and giant robots.

Written, drawn and animated solely by filmmaker Tyler Gibb, Minushi is a feature film like none other both on and off the screen.
One day, I was researching Canadian animation and happened to stumble across Minushi. Apparently, I somehow managed to miss the initial DVD release by a few years.The cover art is a bit different from what I've chosen to show -- it's an extra wide cover with the two main characters on the front and the title of the feature on the back. Minushi is a feature-length flash animation. Given that one person did nearly everything, the feature is actually reasonably entertaining. Although the animation style is somewhat limited, the story is fast-paced and characters are well-rounded. There are even a few twists and turns to keep the audience guessing. There are no naughty bits. And, although there is quite a bit of death, there is surprisingly, very little red ink. Overall, Minushi exhibits somewhat limited animation, but, more than makes up for it with a good story. I would give Minushi a 3 out of 5.