Empire of Corpses...
Empire of Corpses revolves around Dr. John Watson's (yes, THAT Watson) efforts to not only reanimate his dead friend, but, to restore his departed friend's soul...
Fans of zombies in anime rejoice as some of the imagery is truly grotesque. Such as armies of undead soldiers hacking away at one another with brutal results and exploding suicide zombies to name a couple examples. Naturally, at some point, there will be the obligatory zombie apocalypse and all the gore that such an event entails.
Empire of Corpses has plenty of red ink and zombie mayhem and the story is fast-paced and engaging. While this feature may not be appropriate for some of the younger anime fans among us, I certainly found Empire of Corpses entertaining. I would give Empire of Corpses a 4 out of 5.
From the studio that produced Attack on Titan comes The Empire of Corpses, a captivating historical action thriller based on a Phillip K. Dick Award winning novel by Project Itoh. In an alternate version of 19th century London, the world has been revolutionized by "corpse reanimation technology" creating armies of undead who serve the living as laborers across the globe.Empire of Corpses is set in an alternate timeline where the dead can be reanimated and have been integrated into society as a labor force. The story is filled with a network of interwoven conspiracies and plots by governments with various agendas. The zombies are programmed using fabulously engineered steam punk logic engines -- early mechanical computers.
In an attempt to revive his dearly departed friend, young medical student John Watson becomes obsessed with replicating the work of Dr. Victor Frankenstein - the legendary corpse engineer whose research produced the only re-animated corpse to possess a soul. But when his illegal experiments put him at odds with the British government, Watson is drafted into a worldwide race to find the lost research notes of Victor Frankenstein before the secrets of the human soul fall into the wrong hands.
Fans of zombies in anime rejoice as some of the imagery is truly grotesque. Such as armies of undead soldiers hacking away at one another with brutal results and exploding suicide zombies to name a couple examples. Naturally, at some point, there will be the obligatory zombie apocalypse and all the gore that such an event entails.
Empire of Corpses has plenty of red ink and zombie mayhem and the story is fast-paced and engaging. While this feature may not be appropriate for some of the younger anime fans among us, I certainly found Empire of Corpses entertaining. I would give Empire of Corpses a 4 out of 5.