Angel Beats...
Angel Beats! follows our hero, Otonashi, a boy who has lost his memories of his life after dying...
Initially, some of the details about the situation that our heroes find themselves in, are somewhat ambiguous. After a while, we find that the school setting is a limbo where young people go to come to terms with unresolved issues in their previous lives, before being allowed to move on.
There is quite a bit of action in Angel Beats! as the main characters try to circumvent Angel's power. When they do finally succeed in removing Angel from her post as class president, their situation goes from bad to worse as Angel's replacement seizes the opportunity to attack the Afterlife Battlefront. Our hero, Otonashi, manages to resolve the situation and just when things seem to have stabilized, the situation gets worse as shadow monsters show up to complicate matters.
There is, obviously, some red ink, but, there are no naughty bits to speak of. Overall, Angel Beats! was entertaining and engaging. I was able to watch the entire series in one sitting. Angel Beats! was a bit melodramatic near the end and the ending is somewhat ambiguous. I would give Angel Beats! a 4 out of 5.
It sucks being dead. It sucks even more to be trapped in a surreal afterlife where you're caught between the living and the dead - where a mysterious, violent Angel is trying to pull you over to... somewhere. What do you do? Well, if you're this group of rough-and-tumble teens, you grab every weapon you can get your hands on and give Heaven hell!In Angel Beats!, Otonashi, meets Yuri, a girl who invites him to join the Afterlife Battlefront, an organization she founded and leads, which fights against Angel, a girl with supernatural powers provided by a computer program called Angel Player.
Initially, some of the details about the situation that our heroes find themselves in, are somewhat ambiguous. After a while, we find that the school setting is a limbo where young people go to come to terms with unresolved issues in their previous lives, before being allowed to move on.
There is quite a bit of action in Angel Beats! as the main characters try to circumvent Angel's power. When they do finally succeed in removing Angel from her post as class president, their situation goes from bad to worse as Angel's replacement seizes the opportunity to attack the Afterlife Battlefront. Our hero, Otonashi, manages to resolve the situation and just when things seem to have stabilized, the situation gets worse as shadow monsters show up to complicate matters.
There is, obviously, some red ink, but, there are no naughty bits to speak of. Overall, Angel Beats! was entertaining and engaging. I was able to watch the entire series in one sitting. Angel Beats! was a bit melodramatic near the end and the ending is somewhat ambiguous. I would give Angel Beats! a 4 out of 5.