First Squad...
In First Squad, we follow the exploits of Nadya, a young, but, highly trained, psychic soldier in the service of Russia...
Nadya must travel to the spirit world to enlist the support of her already dead comrades in the First Squad, find the person at the heart of the upcoming moment of truth, and stop the German spirit warriors from breaching the barrier into this world and ultimately prevent the Germans from altering the outcome of the war.
There is a modest amount of red ink and some gore in First Squad, as scenes of horrendous battlefield carnage unfold early in the feature. There are no naughty bits or even fan service to speak of in First Squad. While the concept was intriguing, the execution was, in my humble opinion, a bit weak. The pacing is a bit unusual in that the story unfolds slowly at first, speeds up at the most improbable moments and slows down unnecessarily in the middle. The pace picks up in the latter half of the feature and the ending felt a little underwhelming.
Overall, First Squad is a nice concept, but, the story was not as fully realized as I would have liked. There is some bloodshed and gore in the feature, but, there are no naughty bits or fan service. I would give First Squad a 2 out of 5.
1942. The German offensive into Russia has stalled and fierce fighting is taking a deadly toll on both sides. In a last, desperate attempt to regain control the German army turns to their occult forces in a bid to raise the spirits of their dead ancestors to fight on their behalf. Their regular forces, helpless against these supernatural warriors, the Red Army's only hope is Nadya -- a fourteen year old psychic girl who must cross the gulf into the underworld and recruit the souls of her dead friends, the Pioneers of the First Squad, to fight on Russia's behalf.According to Wikipedia...
First Squad is a joint animation project of Japan's Studio 4°C and Russia's Molot Entertainment. It won the Kommersant newspaper's prize...In First Squad, Nadya has the ability to sense events which have not yet happened. Nadya is tasked with locating an individual at the center of an upcoming "moment of truth" -- a key moment in history where the barriers between this world and the spirit world are somewhat fluid and can be breached. German forces intend to bring spirit warriors through the barrier in an effort to turn the tide of the second World War.
Nadya must travel to the spirit world to enlist the support of her already dead comrades in the First Squad, find the person at the heart of the upcoming moment of truth, and stop the German spirit warriors from breaching the barrier into this world and ultimately prevent the Germans from altering the outcome of the war.
There is a modest amount of red ink and some gore in First Squad, as scenes of horrendous battlefield carnage unfold early in the feature. There are no naughty bits or even fan service to speak of in First Squad. While the concept was intriguing, the execution was, in my humble opinion, a bit weak. The pacing is a bit unusual in that the story unfolds slowly at first, speeds up at the most improbable moments and slows down unnecessarily in the middle. The pace picks up in the latter half of the feature and the ending felt a little underwhelming.
Overall, First Squad is a nice concept, but, the story was not as fully realized as I would have liked. There is some bloodshed and gore in the feature, but, there are no naughty bits or fan service. I would give First Squad a 2 out of 5.