In Ray, we follow the exploits of Ray, an extraordinary surgeon, as she uses her special eyes and her gifts as a surgeon to solve medical mysteries...
In the first half of Ray, many of the episodes concern some sort of medical procedure that only Ray and her special eyes can handle. As the series progresses, darker elements from Ray's past start to creep into the narrative and the series as a whole, becomes quite a bit darker in tone. Ray moves away from her role as surgeon and more into an investigative role as she attempts to unravel the mystery of her past. During the course of the series, there is some red ink, but, the series in not particularly gory. Of course, there are no naughty bits to speak of.
According to Wikipedia...
If you have enough money, you can buy anything, so why wait for an organ you need to become available? Raised to be harvested for parts, Ray had already lost her eyes when renegade surgeon Black Jack rescued her. Now, ten years later, she has grown up to be a surgeon herself. Thanks to the unique artificial eyes she received as replacements, she has a reputation for performing incredible medical operations that no one else could even attempt. But unknown to any but a select few, her surgical endeavors are only part of a greater mission: to discover what happened to the other children she was raised with, and to find the men who stole the eyes she was born with and to bring them to justice.I wasn't entirely sure what to make of Ray, but, the series seemed intriguing, so, I thought I might investigate this a bit further. Set, slightly in the future, the series envisions a world with advanced medical technology and populated by unscrupulous individuals willing to abuse the technology and people in truly horrific ways for their own ends. Ray, the surgeon, was raised with others to have their organs harvested, but, the renegade surgeon, Black Jack, intervened and gave Ray new eyes with special powers. Black Jack also instilled in Ray that her destiny is in her own hands and that she should follow her own path.
In the first half of Ray, many of the episodes concern some sort of medical procedure that only Ray and her special eyes can handle. As the series progresses, darker elements from Ray's past start to creep into the narrative and the series as a whole, becomes quite a bit darker in tone. Ray moves away from her role as surgeon and more into an investigative role as she attempts to unravel the mystery of her past. During the course of the series, there is some red ink, but, the series in not particularly gory. Of course, there are no naughty bits to speak of.
According to Wikipedia...
Because of copyright reasons, Black Jack was only alluded to as BJ and never seen fully in the original manga, but because the anime was produced by Osamu Tezuka's own studio he is able to appear fully in the anime (though still somewhat obscured) and be referred to by his original name. Interestingly, in Black Jack 21, the sequel to the Black Jack anime, Black Jack was referred to as BJ by the assassins hell bent on killing him.Overall, Ray was somewhat intriguing, but, was not really as entertaining as I would have liked. While the series was not a complete waste of time, the series was much more of a chore to watch than I was expecting. All things considered, Ray is a fitting addition to the Black Jack franchise as I didn't really care for the original Black Jack series. I gave Ray a 2 out of 5.