Alice and Zoroku...
I really like grumpy old men in anime, so, naturally, Alice and Zoroku had to come home with me...
During the course of Alice and Zoroku, Zoroku quickly discovers that Sana has special powers, but, he accepts her as one of his children and guides her into becoming a well-behaved young lady. Zoroku and Sanae try very hard to give Sana the stable home life that she desperately needs. Meanwhile, the secret organization that operates the facility from which Sana escaped, is still searching for Sana. The first half of the series builds to a wonderful climax as Zoroku tries to keep Sana out of the clutches of the secret organization.
In the latter half of Alice and Zoroku, Sana encounters, Hatori, an individual who can control the minds of other people. And, when Hatori inadvertently affects Zoroku, Sana reacts by laying a trap for Hatori in a mysterious world that Sana calls Wonderland. Events quickly spiral out of control as Sana and Hatori become trapped in Wonderland. Meanwhile in the real world beyond Wonderland, more and more people begin to manifest strange powers. And, as if that weren't bad enough, Wonderland begins to expand and it appears that this expansion could threaten the world.
There is some violence in the first half of the series and a small amount of red ink as sinister forces pursue Sana. But, the majority of the series features Sana being super-cute and wonderfully innocent. The latter half shows the epic scale of Sana's power. There are, of course, no naughty bits or even fan service to speak of. Overall, the series was engaging and very enjoyable. I would give Alice and Zoroku and 4 out of 5.
On the run from the research facility that imprisoned her, a little girl named Sana finds herself living with a stern but caring old man named Zoroku. With the abilities to teleport and summon anything she can imagine, Sana has some difficulty integrating into society. Will Sana learn to live a normal life, or is the Wonderland she created the only haven she can depend on?Alice and Zoroku starts with Sana's escape from a secret facility. After a fortunate encounter with a mysterious stranger, Sana crosses paths with Zoroku, a grumpy old man with a penchant for doing the right thing. After a wild game of tag involving Sana and two other individuals from the facility, Zoroku, has some sharp words for Sana and her cohorts. But, Zoroku senses that Sana needs a helping hand, so, he invites Sana into his home. Zoroku's granddaughter, Sanae, is just overjoyed with Sana's super-cute behavior and air of innocence.
During the course of Alice and Zoroku, Zoroku quickly discovers that Sana has special powers, but, he accepts her as one of his children and guides her into becoming a well-behaved young lady. Zoroku and Sanae try very hard to give Sana the stable home life that she desperately needs. Meanwhile, the secret organization that operates the facility from which Sana escaped, is still searching for Sana. The first half of the series builds to a wonderful climax as Zoroku tries to keep Sana out of the clutches of the secret organization.
In the latter half of Alice and Zoroku, Sana encounters, Hatori, an individual who can control the minds of other people. And, when Hatori inadvertently affects Zoroku, Sana reacts by laying a trap for Hatori in a mysterious world that Sana calls Wonderland. Events quickly spiral out of control as Sana and Hatori become trapped in Wonderland. Meanwhile in the real world beyond Wonderland, more and more people begin to manifest strange powers. And, as if that weren't bad enough, Wonderland begins to expand and it appears that this expansion could threaten the world.
There is some violence in the first half of the series and a small amount of red ink as sinister forces pursue Sana. But, the majority of the series features Sana being super-cute and wonderfully innocent. The latter half shows the epic scale of Sana's power. There are, of course, no naughty bits or even fan service to speak of. Overall, the series was engaging and very enjoyable. I would give Alice and Zoroku and 4 out of 5.