Dogs: Stray Dogs Howling in The Dark...
After trawling the depths of online anime, I happened to stumble across a handful of episodes of Dogs: Stray Dogs Howling in The Dark. According to Wikipedia...
The first episode, Weepy Old Killer, tells the story of the reunion between an aging hitman and a criminal boss who's expecting trouble from the aforementioned hitman. The second story, Gun Smoker, follows the exploits of a gun-wielding chain-smoker and has a slightly lighter tone than the first episode. The third episode, Blade Maiden, resumes the darker theme as it follows the backstory of an extraordinary sword-woman. The fourth story, Stray Dogs Howling in the Dark, details a day in the life of a guy who has a difficult time staying dead and his chance encounter with a winged girl.
For those of us who do not follow the manga, on which the anime is based, each episode is a self-contained story. And, while there are some loose ends at the end of the mini-series, it was nonetheless entertaining and engaging, as is. Overall, I would give Dogs: Stray Dogs Howling in The Dark a 3 out of 5.
Dogs is set in a dystopic European city where violence, crime, genetic manipulation and other scientific brutalities have become common. The story focuses on four antihero protagonists who, through a series of coincidences, meet as they search for a way down to the Below, looking for answers to their individual pasts.Wikipedia continues to ramble on about the series' release...
On November 19, 2008, an OVA adaptation of Dogs: Stray Dogs Howling in the Dark was announced in Ultra Jump. The two-volume OVA series was produced by David Production and featured the same voice cast as the drama CD. The first DVD volume, released on May 19, 2009 with the fourth volume of Dogs: Bullets & Carnage, featured adaptations of the first two chapters, "Weepy Old Killer" and "Gun Smoker". The second DVD volume, featuring "Blade Maiden" and "Stray Dogs Howling in the Dark", was initially released on May 29, 2009, for a limited time and later released on July 17, 2009 along with a limited edition reissue of the first Dogs manga which included new story material.YouTube came through yet again. I manged to locate all four episodes of Dogs: Stray Dogs Howling in The Dark. There are, of course, no naughty bits, but, there is some red ink on display. Knife, sword and gun play abound in the mini-series as each episode focuses on a different character. The mini-series, at four episodes, is very short and the episodes themselves, at about fifteen minutes each, are likewise, fairly short. In total, the mini-series is about one hour.
The first episode, Weepy Old Killer, tells the story of the reunion between an aging hitman and a criminal boss who's expecting trouble from the aforementioned hitman. The second story, Gun Smoker, follows the exploits of a gun-wielding chain-smoker and has a slightly lighter tone than the first episode. The third episode, Blade Maiden, resumes the darker theme as it follows the backstory of an extraordinary sword-woman. The fourth story, Stray Dogs Howling in the Dark, details a day in the life of a guy who has a difficult time staying dead and his chance encounter with a winged girl.
For those of us who do not follow the manga, on which the anime is based, each episode is a self-contained story. And, while there are some loose ends at the end of the mini-series, it was nonetheless entertaining and engaging, as is. Overall, I would give Dogs: Stray Dogs Howling in The Dark a 3 out of 5.