Infinity Train...
A few years ago, Cartoon Network aired a pilot episode for Infinity Train...
Then, after years of waiting, this past summer, Cartoon Network, announced a five-night special event featuring new episodes of Infinity Train. The mini-series expands on the story from the pilot episode and reveals how Tulip ended up on the train. Since, Atticus plays an important role in the story, the mini-series retells the Corgi Car story with some adjustments. As the series progresses, we learn more of the backstory surrounding Tulip and meet more of the strange creatures that inhabit the train. There are noticeable differences in the animation style and in the character design between the pilot episode and the mini-series, but, the changes, in my humble opinion, do not detract from the mini-series.
I enjoyed Infinity Train a lot, so much so, that I tuned in for each installment when it aired and did what I could to preserve the series for the archive. One of the truly unexpected pleasures of both the pilot and the mini-series, is the awesome music by Chrome Canyon. I found myself replaying certain portions just to hear the music. I've seen one official track from Infinity Train, but, at the time of this writing the series' soundtrack is woefully incomplete. Even though I'd like to have more, I'm very, very appreciative for the one track that has been released. 😜
Tulip is smart, strong-willed and determined to find a way off the train, but, she is also compassionate and is willing to make sacrifices for her friends when they need her the most. There are some moments in Infinity Train where Tulip appears to be in real danger and these moments might be a bit intense for the youngest animation fans among us, but, there is no bloodshed in either the pilot or the mini-series. I enjoyed Infinity Train a lot. I liked is unique sound and I liked its strong female lead. Overall, I would give Infinity Train a 4 out of 5. I would like to give it a higher score, but, at the time of this writing, Infinity Train is not available on archival media.
Trapped on a mysterious train full of puzzles and perils, a headstrong 12-year-old girl must use her wits to uncover the train's many secrets -- and hopefully return home. Tulip's mind-bending journey will find her forging friendships with One-One, a robot with dueling personalities, and Atticus, the canine king of Corginia. But with new surprises awaiting them in every car, will Tulip ever find a way off the train?Years ago, the pilot episode of Infinity Train introduced us to Tulip after she had been on a mysterious train for a week. The pilot episode followed her through the Corgi Car where she met Atticus, king of Corginia. The pilot episode left behind some mysteries like how did Tulip end up on the train, what was the number on Tulip's hand and what was the creature that attacked Tulip in the Corgi Car? I really enjoyed the pilot episode and looked forward to seeing more of the series, but, for a long while, there was nothing on the horizon.
Then, after years of waiting, this past summer, Cartoon Network, announced a five-night special event featuring new episodes of Infinity Train. The mini-series expands on the story from the pilot episode and reveals how Tulip ended up on the train. Since, Atticus plays an important role in the story, the mini-series retells the Corgi Car story with some adjustments. As the series progresses, we learn more of the backstory surrounding Tulip and meet more of the strange creatures that inhabit the train. There are noticeable differences in the animation style and in the character design between the pilot episode and the mini-series, but, the changes, in my humble opinion, do not detract from the mini-series.
I enjoyed Infinity Train a lot, so much so, that I tuned in for each installment when it aired and did what I could to preserve the series for the archive. One of the truly unexpected pleasures of both the pilot and the mini-series, is the awesome music by Chrome Canyon. I found myself replaying certain portions just to hear the music. I've seen one official track from Infinity Train, but, at the time of this writing the series' soundtrack is woefully incomplete. Even though I'd like to have more, I'm very, very appreciative for the one track that has been released. 😜
Tulip is smart, strong-willed and determined to find a way off the train, but, she is also compassionate and is willing to make sacrifices for her friends when they need her the most. There are some moments in Infinity Train where Tulip appears to be in real danger and these moments might be a bit intense for the youngest animation fans among us, but, there is no bloodshed in either the pilot or the mini-series. I enjoyed Infinity Train a lot. I liked is unique sound and I liked its strong female lead. Overall, I would give Infinity Train a 4 out of 5. I would like to give it a higher score, but, at the time of this writing, Infinity Train is not available on archival media.