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Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit...

Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit looked like something I might enjoy...
The world is filled with elves, dwarves, vampires, homunculi, and humans. It’s a time of peace until Nine stirs up chaos. To stop them, the police have created Special 7, and Seiji is a new recruit with ties to Nine's previous airport attack.
Recently, I watched Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit. The series concerns an elite group of investigators who deal exclusively with crimes involving an organization known as Nine. The series follows the seven members of the Special Crime Investigation Unit as they go about their work. In this world, there are all sorts of beings that go bump in the night, but, magic use has waned in recent times as modern conveniences have taken hold of society. Humans and non-humans live in relative peace in this new modern age.

The series has a rather dry, mundane appearance -- it could almost be mistaken for a typical cop drama. In fact, were it not for the occasional use of magic, it might not be apparent that non-human beings of any sort even exist in this world. Nine's escapades start with a terrorist attack at an airport some years before the events of the series itself. During that earlier incident, a civilian is rescued by a police officer. At the start of the series, that same rescued civilian becomes an officer in the Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit.

The new guy, affectionately known as Rookie, spends much of the series shadowing the more seasoned veterans out in the field and running headlong into trouble time and again. Rookie stumbles a few times in the early episodes, but, quickly establishes himself as a valued member of the team as Nine escalates the ferocity of their attacks. It becomes apparent during the course of the series that the team is being set up for betrayal by Nine. Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit plods along at a fairly leisurely pace and takes its sweet time building to a climactic showdown between the team and the individual pulling the strings for Nine.

In Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit, there is some rather ordinary action, but, the pace of the series is quite a bit slower than I would have liked. There is a modest amount of red ink, but, the series isn't particularly gory. I was really expecting more magical creatures and magic use than was actually present -- the series feels a lot like a typical cop drama.  It goes without saying that there are no naughty bits or fan service in the series. Overall, I was really disappointed with Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit. I would give Special 7: Special Crime Investigation Unit a 1 out of 5.