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Webrings... If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all...

I've joined several webrings over the years and I've never had any luck with any of them. According to Wikipedia...
A webring ... is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, and usually organized around a specific theme, often educational or social. They were popular in the 1990s and early 2000s, particularly among amateur websites. To be a part of the webring, each site has a common navigation bar; it contains links to the previous and next site. By selecting next (or previous) repeatedly, the user will eventually reach the site they started at; this is the origin of the term webring.
Three webrings simply evaporated into thin air. Their hosts dropped out of existence without a trace and without warning. In two other webrings, I was asked to take over management. In one case, I declined and found myself chastised by the ring owner. In the other case, I accepted, but was informed later that ring's owner "was going in a different direction". In two other webrings, I found myself dropped from the ring after a change in ring management.

Then, of course, there was Webring's infamous flirt with Yahoo. Yahoo and Webring merged then unmerged. Webring users like myself and ring owners were left scrambling to fill out forms for Yahoo IDs and then soon afterwards having to fill out more forms to have their IDs transferred back to Webring. So, after a certain amount of abuse, I decided to leave Webring altogether.

A couple of years had passed since those unhappy events and I thought it might be safe to return to Webring. I heard the rings calling for me once again and decided to join a small ring with a few dozen members. Wouldn't you know, after just a few months, the ring owner decided that he doesn't want to do the whole "ring management" thing anymore and the ring I was in was folded into another much larger ring with a few hundred members.

Right from the start there were problems with the new ring. The new ring was big, bland and uninviting. It just didn't have the same cozy feel. Then, I checked the member list and neither I nor any of my fellow ring members were there. From previous experience, I could tell that either I was going to be pushed out of the ring or I was already out of the ring. In any event, I could see the big dark cloud hanging over my head and decided to end my participation in all webrings once again. And now, for a suitably awkward moment from And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online?...