Piki and Poko: Adventures in StarLand...
Some time ago, I was wandering around the dial and came across an episode of Piki and Poko: Adventures in StarLand. It's a silly, but, utterly adorable show. According to a flyer that's been circulating for some time...
Piki and Poko: Adventures in StarLand have had occasional broadcasts on late night cable TV, but, the series has never been released on DVD. I found most of the episodes on YouTube and took the time to download and archive them. It appears that the production stopped abruptly at 29 episodes, leaving a handful of episodes unfinished.Piki and Poko: Adventures in StarLand is a flash-based animation produced by Mondo Media circa 2000. The heroines of this anime-inspired series, Piki and Poko, are two cute teens from Tokyo who battle the forces of chaos. Next to this girl power epic, with its saturated colors, exaggerated 3-D perspectives, and ass-kicking action, many other web animation productions looks crude, stilted and flat.
Piki and Poko, an epic fantasy with no overt allusions to popular culture, is a new direction for Mondo. The sophisticated viewer, however, will recognize many coded references. One villain-the Homemaker-could be Martha Stewart's alien twin, cooking up vats of drugged fudge, expertly folding killer origami animals.
Piki and Poko is simultaneously cute and a send-up of cuteness. Candy canes murder and maim. Marshmallow bunnies are as addictive and dangerous as crack cocaine. A kernel of corn is a warrior; cosmic power's found in a skirt. There's a rich fluidity of good and evil, malice and sweetness, that's disarming.