Cross Ange...
I picked up the first volume of Cross Ange...
Cross Ange centers on Angelise, a princess, who discovers that she cannot wield magic and is exiled to serve as cannon fodder to protect the society that expelled her. At first, Angelise, who has been given the name Ange, rejects the idea that she has been expelled, but, Ange shows surprising skill in piloting Villkiss and she makes all kinds of enemies by rubbing everyone the wrong way.
At one point, Ange escapes and returns home, only to find, that the warm embrace she was hoping for, isn't going to happen -- ever. Ange manages to escape and returns to the only place that will have her. As a military deserter, Ange is stripped of her rank and her meager possessions. Also, being unpopular doesn't help Ange's situation. But, Ange's skill in piloting Villkiss comes to the forefront, and Ange discovers that the relationship between humans and dragons is stranger than she could have ever suspected.
Cross Ange builds to a wonderful climax and then I have to wait for the second volume to finish off the series. At the time of this writing, I don't have too much longer to wait. Cross Ange features a fair amount of violence and bloodshed. There is some suggestive dialogue and situations, but, no actual naughty bits. Overall, even without seeing the ending, I would feel very comfortable giving Cross Ange a 4 out of 5.
With plenty of suggestive dialogue and situations and even a handful of ubiquitous shower scenes, Cross Ange, is probably not appropriate for the younger anime fans among us. There is some blood shed and gore in the series. Dragons and girls with dragon wings and tails are well represented in the second half of the series. Suspension of disbelief is stretched pretty thin in the latter half of the series, but, overall, Cross Ange was fairly fast paced and very entertaining. I still feel very confident that Cross Ange has earned a 4 out of 5.
As a general rule, I tend to stay away from giant robot themed series. There are exceptions, of course, but, for the most part, I tend to avoid giant robots. Even though Cross Ange has giant robots, the dragon aspect of the series seemed intriguing. Also, the fallen angel, in the form of Angelise, who finds solace in combat is certainly something that attracted my interest.Volume 1
Betrayed by her brother. Stripped of her birthright. Declared an abomination. For the girl once known as Princess Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi, the nightmare has just begun in Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons. Because not having the ability to use magic makes her less than human in the eyes of the law, and now she's been exiled to certain death as a slave soldier in a war against draconic invaders!
But the people and land that cast her out have made a lethal error. The girl now known as Ange is no longer an innocent Princess being lead to rape and slaughter. She's learned the hidden truth about the world she thought she knew. She's discovered that she's willing to kill in order to survive. And they've given her a weapon.
The studio behind GUNDAM, ESCAFLOWNE, and COWBOY BEBOP unleashes a stunning new epic in animation as giant robots, a Princess, and dragons engage in the ultimate duel to the death in CROSS ANGE Rondo of Angels and Dragons!
Volume 2
The foundation of Ange's world has been ripped to shreds over and over again, since the moment her throne was stolen and she was stripped of her humanity. But the destruction of Arzenal and the stunning revelation about the true nature of the DRAGONS were only the start of a devastating new series of shocks and discoveries.
Transported to an alternate and devastated world with Tusk and Vivian, Ange will finally learn the history of her world and the true nature of her own reality. She will discover who her ultimate enemy really is and how her para-mail, Villkiss, may be the only key to salvation.
The fate of two worlds hangs in the balance, but unless Ange can conquer her own fear and rage, the battle will be lost before it's even begun. The final war between man, DRAGON, and machine is about to begin in the climatic conclusion of Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon!
Cross Ange centers on Angelise, a princess, who discovers that she cannot wield magic and is exiled to serve as cannon fodder to protect the society that expelled her. At first, Angelise, who has been given the name Ange, rejects the idea that she has been expelled, but, Ange shows surprising skill in piloting Villkiss and she makes all kinds of enemies by rubbing everyone the wrong way.
At one point, Ange escapes and returns home, only to find, that the warm embrace she was hoping for, isn't going to happen -- ever. Ange manages to escape and returns to the only place that will have her. As a military deserter, Ange is stripped of her rank and her meager possessions. Also, being unpopular doesn't help Ange's situation. But, Ange's skill in piloting Villkiss comes to the forefront, and Ange discovers that the relationship between humans and dragons is stranger than she could have ever suspected.

I've picked up the second volume of Cross Ange and finished off the series in one sitting. Ange's trials in the second half of the series continue. Throughout the series there is a great deal of suggestive dialogue and suggestive situations, but, aside from a few bear breasts and bear bottoms, there are no actual naughty bits. There are quite a few twists and turns in the second half of the series and like the first half, the series builds to a wonderful climax. The pay off is quite nice in the end.With plenty of suggestive dialogue and situations and even a handful of ubiquitous shower scenes, Cross Ange, is probably not appropriate for the younger anime fans among us. There is some blood shed and gore in the series. Dragons and girls with dragon wings and tails are well represented in the second half of the series. Suspension of disbelief is stretched pretty thin in the latter half of the series, but, overall, Cross Ange was fairly fast paced and very entertaining. I still feel very confident that Cross Ange has earned a 4 out of 5.